The best steps to success and academic excellence

Start early
Getting ready for real test with the beginning of the semester that some of the students postpone this willingness to the last days of the semester, causing some concern called (concern examinations) The student who likes to relax at the end before the tests must find and preparing for these tests since the beginning.

Believe in yourself
As a result some experiments failed passes where some of the students in their study and also to be repeated standing in front of the barrier and placebo -made themselves written on this barrier (I failed ) - ( I am weak ) - ( I can not succeed in material .....) and non- phrases . These signs and constant repetition weaken the ability of the student's path of progress and success in his academic life . Strange that we as human beings we sometimes fail to succeed in the sense offer ( I'll get acceptable in this article ) ( I'll get a privilege in this article ) and the difference between the second provides that self-confident, do not throw ideas frustrating Take behind by the applicant. yourself.

Think success
Why think about failure? Why do you think that this professor stingy degrees so they'll get him on acceptable? Why do you think (I already know everyone better than me and in particular student ....) Why do not you think success Why do not you have a personality and be confident of success down?
I'm not saying that you will not fail because of failure Manner success of which we know why we fail and thus fix the mistakes that we signed.

Beware of bad companions
As in any human society there companions encourage you and grow in your heart, hope it was to sit down with them and see them feel pleased and Inshirah and the popularity of the study and there are in contrast to those, I mean bad companions who urges you to play and fun in the days of prepping for tests, who say you do not benefit from the study and who advise various types of fraud Sacred guarantee of success in tests , these Take lack of them those righteous clung to them. I know that success breeds success , then you should not be confused with the people who look at zombies for the future of the behind recklessness glasses or pessimism. But your relationship with people was characterized by lively and hard work , are able to deliver.

Find out how your professor ( Why loves ) and ( why hates )
This knowledge will determine the way you study for the exam and answer method for the exam. . . And therefore your success and progress in this exam advises us the author of scientific methods to help you succeed in exams four golden tips :

First : anticipation evidence or indication of a teacher : Every teacher what it asserts , or put underneath a line on the blackboard or repeated , is likely material for testing.

Second: Be a listener and alert and attentive reader : The teacher usually tells his students with important information about the tests or you may write it on the board, watched these sources of information .

Third: Ask the teacher : Yes important questions for the field test are important questions , of course , never ( for example ) by saying that you need to so and so in order to teach more effectively .

Fourth: Ask students have completed their lessons at the same Teacher: Make sure you ask specific questions , and stay away from generalizations that students do not benefit from them . And select students  to  ask them .

The fact that the agenda memorization
In the few weeks before the exam and even invest your time giving you configure a schedule for study specifying the name of each material and what is the time proposed for each subject , in order to achieve the best results by using the attached table you thus :

First: scheduling tests.

Second: define soft materials and that you need to study a longer time .

Third : to be determined for each subject its expected hours .

Fourth: determine the appropriate daily times to review and better to be in your time and presence of mind .

Fifth: according to the available days you have to start the first test keep in check all days history with dates.

Sixth: The materials distributed in this table with the need to start articles easy granularity to yourself and you do not need to be a long time in studying .

Seventh: Some of the students do not like to be taught , article by article , but to diversify per day more than the material you are of them , there is nothing wrong diversification .

Eighth: The better the completion of the memorization of all the material before the start of the tests in order to allow the memorization of material again .

sleep early
Then sleep . No ensures days exams not to sleep early is usually not completely healthy , because ensuring affects the brain , which needs to rest by nature at night and not during the day that the iPod tired eyesight and brain and body , leading to poor performance of the student when he wants to write the answer from the head hear him good and engaged want to sleep eye and hand tremble can not write and contrast, taking a share of sleep sufficient guarantor move this body, mind and memory are not active vitality ensures and go back to sleep , especially early days of the exams .
They tried not to waste time from the first year there clicking on yourself and memories ensuring slavery near the exams , as confirmed by modern science scientific fact important for the body's cells , which is that those cells infected ( relaxed normal) during the night and according to the cycle of life and, therefore, the organs of the body work at night the weakest card , and normal sleep at night gives the power of focus and automatic activity .

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