Benefits of pomegranate

Contains the fruit of the pomegranate sweet to 10.1% is sugar , 1% citric acid , 84.20 % water, 2.91 % ash , 3 % protein, 2.91 % fiber materials Afsip and elements of visits and vitamins (A, B, C) and amounts of a few of iron , phosphorus, sulfur , lime and potash and manganese and seeds increase the percentage of fatty substances 7-9 % .

Scientists have discovered that pomegranate is rich in elements of food , especially vitamins and has properties of both preventive and remedial great is the pain reliever and a reduced heat and useful in cases of extreme thirst during hot weather and astringent for diarrhea and anti- bleeding , especially resulting from hemorrhoids and mucous membranes.

The juice will cure some cases of headaches , eye diseases and special weakness consideration , though boiled pomegranate blossoms useful in the treatment of diseases gums and Atralha .

And pomegranate useful for cases of high fever and chronic diarrhea and dysentery Alombah and expel intestinal worms especially tapeworms and treatment of hemorrhoids , as it is beneficial to the cold , cold and treatment of skin diseases , scabies and that mixing powder Akecorh dry with honey and use it daily in the form of paint topical .

The Pharaohs knew kill worms abdomen by burning pomegranate peel mixed with honey , and creams this benefit the mixture to remove the effects of smallpox and the Thar scorched crusts on chronic wounds and sores it heal .

And help pomegranate flowers in addition to stop the bleeding and treat chronic diarrhea , gonorrhea , white pieces of the vagina.

Consumption of a small amount of pomegranate syrup a day may ensure the enjoyment of the arteries young and flexible sound .. This has been demonstrated in a new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition recently.

Researchers have found that eating a small amount of pomegranate syrup every day reflects the hardening and narrowing in the carotid arteries feeding the brain and neck , which helps in the prevention of complications of arterial sclerosis brain causes strokes and dementia diseases .

Experts attributed these benefits to pomegranate syrup sang a wide range of materials strong anti-oxidant such as vehicles , tannin and phenolic Anthusyaninn that hinder the oxidation processes lipoproteins sparsely -bearing causing bad cholesterol and atherosclerosis .

The researchers follow-up to 19 people with hardening of the carotid arteries , consumed 10 of them 50 mL , less than 2 Ounces f syrup pomegranate daily , without to change their eating habits or lifestyles and continued patients with hypertension or cholesterol of them in use Treatment  with measuring the degree of hardening arteries have at the beginning of the study and again one year after using ultrasound that determines thickness layers Internal of blood vessels.

After one year , the researchers found that the severity of atherosclerosis decreased by about 35 per cent in the group that consumed a drink pomegranate , while increased by about 9 percent in the group that did not eat as decreased systolic blood pressure or pressure reading higher than 174 mm Hg at the beginning of the study 153 mm Hg after one year.

The scientists pointed out that the pomegranate syrup makes bad cholesterol less sensitive to oxidation , and this effect , as well as its role in lowering systolic blood pressure may explain the positive improvements in the amount of arterial sclerosis . Pomegranate is one of the sacred fruit when many of the peoples of the world and in many religions they symbolize life and procreation and marriage in Greek mythology , as defined medical characteristics long time ago, and modern science has proven benefits for the heart and arteries and the brain and its role

The benefits of pomegranate peel
1- If boiling peel pomegranate , Rinse, the forces of the gums

2 - If boiling drinking pomegranate peel and was useful in cases of diarrhea

3 - According to the boiling it in cases of acute dysentery

4 - If you take the dried pomegranate peel and grind until it becomes smooth and knead honey and bandaged by the lower abdomen and chest benefit of hemoptysis

5 - If Inhale are Bamola him to spare the blood bleeding from hemorrhoids

6 - If you drink boiled pomegranate peel cut phlegm stomach acid

7 - go smallpox raised if burned and mixed with honey and raised by plating consecutive days

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